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Ghana to soon have fertiliser manufacturing plant to produce fertilisers locally
Ghana will soon have a fertiliser manufacturing plant to produce fertilisers locally, to meet the rising demand of farmers, Head of Results Delivery at the Office of the President, [...]
AgricultureCountry: Ghana
Region: Africa
Date: 23-Sep-2021
NIRSAL Trains Farmers on Modern Agricultural practices
The Nigeria Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL Plc) said it has trained about 780 farmers on modern, business-oriented pre-upstream, upstream, mid [...]
AgricultureCountry: Nigeria
Region: Africa
Date: 23-Sep-2021
NSPRI Distributes Improved Agric Storage Facilities
NIGERIAN Stored Products Research Institute (NSPRI) Kwara state has flagged off the distribution of improved storage facilities for vulnerable rural women and youth in 19 selected [...]
Agricultural Tools/Equipments AgricultureCountry: Nigeria
Region: Africa
Date: 23-Sep-2021
Bauchi Agricultural Stakeholders Decry Spate Of Insecurity
It has been lamented that the spate of insecurity in Nigeria is negatively affecting the agricultural sector as farmers particularly peasants who form the majority of the farmers a [...]
AgricultureCountry: Nigeria
Region: Africa
Date: 23-Sep-2021
FAO Trains Veterinarians on data collation , animal disease epidemiology
AS part of its technical support to Nigeria to curb emerging animal diseases, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), through the Emergency Center for Tr [...]
Country: Nigeria
Region: Africa
Date: 23-Sep-2021
Region: N/A
Date: 20-Sep-2021
Zimbabwean government invites contractors to boost agricultural production
Services AgricultureCountry: Zimbabwe
Region: Africa
Date: 20-Sep-2021
7 Things To Follow In Aquaponics | Kilimo News
A marriage between aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as fish, snails or prawns in tanks) and hydroponics (cultivating plants in water), aquaponics is [...]
AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 19-Sep-2021
A High-tech Response Is Helping Countries Win The Battle Against Desert Locusts | Kilimo News
For the unsuspecting farmer, the Desert Locust is a formidable enemy. These wretched pests have a voracious appetite, multiply rapidly and travel up to 150 [...]
Information Technology (IT) AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 19-Sep-2021
Digitization Equipment Set To Accelerate Kenya’s Breeding Programs | Kilimo News
Last month, the CGIAR Excellence in Breeding (EiB) platform handed over digitization equipment to the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization [...]
Agricultural Tools/Equipments Equipments & Machinery AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 19-Sep-2021
Kenya National Biosafety Authority Approves Genetically Modified Cassava | Kilimo News
The Kenya National Biosafety Authority (NBA) has approved environmental release of genetically modified (GM) cassava event 4046, resistant to cassava brown [...]
AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 19-Sep-2021
New Potato Varieties | Kilimo News
The Ministry of Agriculture through Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) has produced potato varieties with a longer shelf life. The [...]
AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 19-Sep-2021
Dan Collison appointed as Farm Africa's new Chief Executive
Keep up to date with news of Farm Africa's work growing agriculture, safeguarding the environment and boosting business in eastern Africa. [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 18-Sep-2021
Waitrose providing financial support to farmers in Kenya amid COVID-19 pandemic
The Waitrose & Partners Foundation has unlocked £200,000 from its Global Fund to protect farming communities overseas adversely affected by the current COVID-19 pandemic. The [...]
AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 18-Sep-2021
Scientists turn to smallholder-oriented integrated pest management solutions to combat Fall Armyworm
Conference hears that more environmentally sustainable options known to attack Fall Armyworm are being used in integrated attack on the pest [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 18-Sep-2021
Coffee helps connect the world
Joining a coffee cooperative in rural Ethiopia has allowed Tesema to learn about coffee production, increase his yield and earn a higher income for his family. [...]
AgricultureCountry: Ethiopia
Region: Africa
Date: 17-Sep-2021
Horticulture project grows futures for young Kenyan farmers
UK aid from the UK government has enabled young farmers in Kenya to build sustainable livelihoods in the horticulture sector through Farm Africa’s Growing Futures project, which [...]
AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 17-Sep-2021
How vegetable farming is creating brighter futures for rural youth
Emily Jepkosgei, a young horticulture farmer from Elgeyo Marakwet in Kenya, has taken part in Farm Africa’s Growing Futures project. Emily is now planning to expand her farming b [...]
AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 17-Sep-2021
Fisheries Ministry Supports 75,000 Fisherforks During Closed Season
Government, through the Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, supported over 75,000 people along the coastal communities with food items during the closed fishing seas [...]
AgricultureCountry: Ghana
Region: Africa
Date: 13-Sep-2021
A Kenyan producers’ organization helps a farmer’s avocado business grow
How a producers’ organization helped farmers successfully export avocado to Europe [...]
AgricultureCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 13-Sep-2021
Nigeria: Food Prices Highest in Kogi, Enugu, Lagos in July
Akwa Ibom at 17.85 per cent, Bauchi at 17.74 per cent, and Abuja at 16.67 per cent recorded the slowest rise in year-on-year inflation. [...]
AgricultureCountry: Nigeria
Region: Africa
Date: 18-Aug-2021
Agricultural prices set to remain historically high through 2022 – Westpac
Agricultural commodity prices are at record highs. However, the price baton is passing between export sectors as the global economic recovery gathers [...]
AgricultureCountry: Nigeria
Region: Africa
Date: 17-Aug-2021
Zimbabwe: Strong Demand Drives Sugar Sales
Zimbabwe's sugar industry sales into the domestic market for the quarter ended June 30, 2021 increased 31 percent to 86 843 tonnes largely driven by strong demand. [...]
AgricultureCountry: Zimbabwe
Region: Africa
Date: 12-Aug-2021
Onion trucks banned from Agbogbloshie market ahead of traders’ relocation
The government has insisted that all trucks that intend to cart onions to the Agbogbloshie market in Accra will be stopped at Amasaman in the Ga West Municipality. This measure is [...]
AgricultureCountry: Ghana
Region: Africa
Date: 29-Jun-2021
Local businesses urged to invest in quality packaging to benefit from AfCFTA [Video]
Businesses producing Made-in-Ghana products are being encouraged to prioritize quality packaging to facilitate the growth of their businesses as well as their survival in an era of [...]
Country: Ghana
Region: Africa
Date: 29-Jun-2021