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Ivory Coast suspends cocoa sales as bad weather and diseases threaten production
IVORY COAST – The Ivorian Cocoa Coffee Council (CCC) has suspended cocoa futures sales in the 2023/2024 campaign until further notice due to ongoi [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Angola sets up new aviary to increase egg production
ANGOLA – Angola, responding to the demand for eggs and eggs product in the country’s local market, has set up a new aviary with a capacity to pr [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Kenyan poultry farmers to access vaccines for improved production
KENYA – Kenyan small-scale chicken farmers have found a solution to address the diseases affecting their poultry productivity through accessing [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Canadian government invests in DFC to bolster dairy sector, DFC appoints David Wiens as president
CANADA – Canada has invested more than US$7.5m into Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC), an advocacy group created to form a single entity for represent [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Kayonza Growers Tea Factory sets up new subsidiary in Kanungu District
TANZANIA – Kayonza Growers Tea Factory has inaugurated a TZS 20.8 billion (US$0.854m) subsidiary in Mpungu, positioning Kanungu District as a prom [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Amcor partners California winery to debut first premium wine bottle made from 100% recycled PET
USA – Amcor Rigid Packaging (ARP) has launched what it describes as the first premium wine packaged in a 750mL bottle made from 100% recycled poly [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Tanzania’s maize farmers earn big as prices soar
Maize farmers are laughing all the way to bank as prices are rising despite increased supply from the onset of harvest season this year thanks to government initiatives to buy the [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Ghana: Nkrankwanta Gets Rice Processing Factory
[Ghanaian Times] Gonokrom -- The Ministry of Trade and Industry in partnership with the Rural Enterprises Programme yesterday inaugurated a rice processing factory at Nkrankwanta i [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Seychelles: Seychelles Ports' Digital System to Be Fully Operational By January 2024
[Seychelles News Agency] The Seychelles Ports Authority (SPA) is digitalising its services with the launch of a Management Information System (PVMIS) with the aim to make them more [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 17-Jul-2023
Expert Calls For Exploration Of Snail Value-Chain
A snail farmer, Mr Sunday Ido, on Wednesday called on agriculture policy makers and other stakeholders to explore development of all aspects of the snail value-chain for improved r [...]
Country: Nigeria
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Food Security:Government To Increase Wheat, Rice, Sorghum Production
The Nigerian Government has taken steps to increase the production of wheat, rice, maize, sorghum and soyabean, through the provision of relevant farm inputs. Dr Ernest Umakhihe, P [...]
Country: Nigeria
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Coca-Cola partners Greycroft to create US$137m sustainability-focused venture capital fund
GLOBAL – Coca-Cola, a multinational soft drink manufacturer, and its eight bottling partners from around the world have formed a Sustainability-Focused venture capital fund in pa [...]
Food & BeverageRegion: General
Date: 13-Jul-2023
BGI Ethiopia relocates headquarters to Meto Abo Brewery
ETHOPIA – BGI Ethiopia, the second-largest brewer by production volumes in Ethiopia, has divested its headquarters building and relocate its plant to its recently acquired facili [...]
Food & BeverageCountry: Ethiopia
Region: Africa
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Yara International exits Cameroon, divests all shares in Yara Cameroon to NJS Group
CAMEROON – Yara International, global leader in plant nutrition, has offloaded all its majority stake in Yara Cameroon to NJS Group, which has bee [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Bio Foods launches new Bio Orange Biscuit Yoghurt
KENYA – Bio Foods Ltd, a Kenyan leading processor and marketer of premium dairy products, has expanded its yoghurt portfolio with the launch of t [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Zambia launches small-scale fish farming in Lake Tanganyika
ZAMBIA -Zambian government has launched the inaugural fish cage farming by small-scale fish farmers on Lake Tanganyika piloted by the Lake Tanganyik [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Morocco seeks to renew fisheries partnership with European Union
MOROCCO – Morocco is seeking a new fisheries partnership to allow EU vessels to operate in Moroccan waters following the European Commission’s a [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
US$20 million investment revitalises dairy sector, SADC to boost Zimbabwe fisheries growth
Zimbabwe – Zimbabwean dairy sector has hit a purple patch recording a 14% growth in dairy production with milk volumes rising to 91.4 million li [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Uganda to export 300 tonnes of beef to Egypt monthly
UGANDA – Uganda has made its second beef export to Egypt shipping 300 tonnes of beef through the Entebbe International Airport, marking an importa [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 13-Jul-2023
Kenya eyes to export tea, meat, coffee to Iran
KENYA – Kenya is seeking to increase the meat, tea and coffee export market in Iran through renewed trade cooperation in an agreement set to correct the trade imbalance between t [...]
Agriculture LivestockCountry: Kenya
Region: Africa
Date: 13-Jul-2023
IBL Group pursues 11% additional shares in US$41.7m Naivas deal
KENYA – Naivas Supermarket (Naivas), the largest supermarket chain in Kenya, is set to change its management from local owners to foreign investor [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 12-Jul-2023
Kenya National Assembly Agriculture Committee nullifies majority shareholding of farmers in privatized sugar mills
KENYA – Private investors in the Kenyan sugar sector are breathing a sigh of relief after the National Assembly Agriculture Committee rejected the [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 12-Jul-2023
Tanzania signs pact with Netherlands to adopt e-phytosanitary certification system
TANZANIA – Tanzania has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Netherlands to enhance electronic certification processes for the sani [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 12-Jul-2023
Egypt launches 4-year programme to boost sustainbaility in acquaculture
EGYPT – Egyptian World Fish Center, WorldFish, has launched a 4-year research program aimed at increasing the use of renewable energy in the aquac [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 12-Jul-2023
Kenyan farmers benefits from subsidized artificial insemination program to boost dairy farming
KENYA – About 3,800 Kenyan dairy farmers in Kirinyaga County have benefited from subsidized Artificial Insemination (AI) services that seek to upg [...]
Region: N/A
Date: 12-Jul-2023